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Access to science, business, innovation in digital economy

Тематика журнала: Общественные науки, Инновации, Маркетинг и менеджмент, Экономика и финансы
Язык издания:Английский
Индекс ISSN:2683-1007
Периодичность издания: 1 номер в 4 месяца
Издательство:Publishing House “ACCESS PRESS”
Контактные данные:32 Alexander Burmov Str., 5000 Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
Сайт издания: https://journal.access-bg.org/
Город:Veliko Tarnovo
Способ оплаты:Бесплатно

The basic subjects of the electronic journal are dedicated to authors’ research and development concerning theoretical and applied questions of economy development, national, regional and local social, economic, ecological, and information systems, their integration into the world economy, setting up business environment and new forms of enterprise, introduction of economic innovations, as well as other fields and topics related to social sciences such as computer and information security, which in their entirety provide theoretical, practical, theoretical-practical knowledge, methodological perspectives of those fields and topics of scientific knowledge, as well as impact and social applications of science and technology.

The journal is intended for postdoctoral students, recent graduates, teachers, academic researchers and practitioners.

Publications are reckoned by the Higher Attestation Commission as a publication in a foreign publishing house.

ACCESS Journal has adopted a new, continuous publishing model, which suggests a starting date for the publication of the current issue, followed by a consistent publication of accepted articles.

Articles are accepted till the last day of the months:

• Till the 28th of February • Till the 30th of June • Till the 31st of October

For more information about the submission process, visit the official website of the journal:


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